Select Works: 1970s-2000s

By Joe Goode
Curated by Genevieve Williams
4 June- 20 July 2024
Tuesday - Saturday, 10am-3pm

The Honarkar Foundation for Arts & Culture proudly presents "Joe Goode | Select Works: 1970s-2000s"

About the foundation

Founded in 2019, The Honarkar Foundation is a cultural organization dedicated to supporting and promoting arts, culture and education in Laguna Beach. The Foundation envisions a world where the arts and humanities are not exclusive privileges, but rather cherished resources that inspire, empower, and connect.
Launched in 2023, our spacious 4,200-square-foot exhibition venue is housed within the historically significant former post-office building at 298 Broadway Street. This museum-quality exhibition space is dedicated to showcasing a rotating series of curated shows, with a specific focus on Southern California artists. It will also play host to a diverse range of public programming and collaborations, including performances, screenings and discursive events.